Funding opportunity to do research at Université de Montréal
The AUF has launched a call for BRG projects for stays in Canada : Deadline: Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Mitacs and the Agence universitaire de le Francophonie (AUF) have joined forces to encourage francophone research collaborations in the Americas region, specifically between Canada and Brazil. The vehicle for this new collaboration is the Globalink Research Grant (GRG) program. Université de Montréal, as a member of AUF and having signed an agreement with MITACS for foreign students who wish to do a research stay at UdeM, is proud to promote this opportunity that will allow eligible students to receive a grant of 6000$ CAD for a research stay between 12 and 24 weeks at Université de Montréal.
We thank you in advance for relaying this information to the relevant units within your institutions. All the details about this opportunity are described below.
· Level of trainees: Master's and doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, full-time
· Areas of study: All disciplines
· Other requirements: The project must be conducted and presented in French. Eligible institutions should be members of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and their membership fee should be up to date.
· Co-financing: No financial contribution is required from the sending university
· Award: $6,000
· Duration: 12 to 24 weeks
·Application Process: Applications must be submitted to Mitacs through the Mitacs representative ( in your region. To know more about the application process, download the application package (zip file).
- Miscellaneous requirements :
- Be 18 years old and over at the time of application;
- Funding of research only. No courses / seminars can be taken during the research;
- Students must have a professor supervisor at their home university and another at UdeM;
- Research stay cannot begin until Globalink Fellowship is accepted;
- It is the student's responsibility to stay updated on Canada’s latest travel regulations according to their situation and to make sure that requirements for entry are met. Requirements currently in effect may change at any time without prior notice. Please note that all fees are at the cost of the student (immigration paperwork, COVID-19 testing, planning of a possible mandatory quarantine, using the ArriveCAN mobile application, etc.).
Sessão on-line de informações sobre o Programa de Bolsas Mitacs Globalink:
Título da sessão: Séance d'information - Bourse Globalink pour la recherche et le développement en français entre le Brésil, le Mexique et le Canada
Data: 24/02/22
Hora: 12:00 PM Hora de Montreal // Goiânia: 14h.
Público: Estudantes de Pós-graduação e pesquisadores de pós-doutorado.
Inscrições :
Fuente: Université de Montréal
Categorías: oportunidades