Convívio Cultural

The Coordination of International Affairs (CAI) is responsible for the “Convívio Cultural” Program of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) and aims at offering support to foreign students that arrive at the Institution to develop studies in graduate and undergraduate courses. 


The Program aims at meeting the needs of foreign students since their arrival in Goiânia, and even before that and, mainly, during their stay in the city, trying to ease the difficulties encountered in several aspects. The main objective of the Convívio Cultural is to promote the academic and social integration of the foreign students within the local community, through camaraderie and solidarity. 


Students from graduate and undergraduate courses regularly enrolled in the UFG can be a part of the Program. Knowing a foreign language is advisable, but not mandatory, considering that many students already know Portuguese when they arrive in Brazil.  


  • Contact with other cultures;
  • Learning or perfecting another language;
  • Creating new friendships and international contacts;
  • Contributing to the internationalization of the UFG;
  • Contributing to spread of the Brazilian culture;
  • Exercise solidarity and collaborating for the cooperation between peoples;
  • Receiving a Certificate of Participation in the Program.


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